weighting factor

英 [ˈweɪtɪŋ ˈfæktə(r)] 美 [ˈweɪtɪŋ ˈfæktər]




  1. You might use JavaScript tests as a weighting factor in spam detection, rather than as an absolute determinant.
  2. Weighted Round Robin ( WRR): RR scheduling with additional weighting factor to compensate for differences in realserver capabilities such as additional CPUs, more memory, and so on.
  3. You can scale this simple calculation with a weighting factor against the average if you need to accommodate some very large files.
  4. When these metrics are summarized for all tablespaces based on descending order of weighting factor, those tablespaces that have a higher weighting factor are better candidates for SSDs.
  5. These variables are carrier frequency off-set value, pre-emphasis factor, weighting factor, video spectral distribution and nominal peak to peak frequency deviation.
  6. Fuzzy Control Method of Multiple Weighting Factor for Mobile Robot
  7. For instance, when indexing web pages, it may be useful to store extra information about a particular word, such as an associated URL or weighting factor based on some analysis of the text.
  8. Based on the neutron energy, the value of weighting factor was given.
  9. A reasonable weighting factor was set up depending on the application needs, and squared weighting method was used to design the evaluation function.
  10. The paper introduces the concept and development of radiation weighting factor, and analyzes the relationship between neutron radiation weighting factor and dose monitoring.
  11. The weighting factor aggregate of influence factors is determined by means of optimization.
  12. The generated energy is corrected by velocity weighting factor to conduct dynamic regulation while the response speed is reached.
  13. The perfect signal gain is obtained using CMA to train the weighting factor.
  14. The method is with robustness for great disturbances or outliers generated by measurement systems via choosing weighting factor based on huber function.
  15. Both theoretical computation and actual data show that the weighting factor method is superior to correlation method.
  16. Self-tuning adaptive steering system with weighting factor regulation
  17. The weighting factor of the weighting factor method put forward by Webb and others is discussed.
  18. Two effective methods, recurrence calculation and weighting factor, are given for reducing errors in numerical computations.
  19. Weighted Support Vector Regression Based on Weighting Factor Optimization
  20. The Design of the Minimum Beat Systems and Application of the Staleness Weighting Factor
  21. In the computation, the algebraic reconstruction technique ( ART) is adopted and modified. In order to improve the computation stability and convergence of ART and SIRT algorithms, a reasonable weighting factor is suggested.
  22. Developed a method of introducing weighting factor to area system matrix for getting more accurate system matrix in fan beam X-ray CT;
  23. In this process improved in the generalized predictive control algorithm control weighting factor, the use dynamic control weighting factor has enabled the control to achieve a better effect.
  24. In the TD-SCDMA standard, the principle and realization of complex spectrum spreading, weighting factor for Walsh code, and dedicated complex scrambling code are even adopted.
  25. The selection of the weighting factor is presented.
  26. In Gauss combines stochastically in the foundation, also considering formation factor. After more systematic choice different step derivative formation factor, various steps Gauss derivative profile fitting, calculating again various steps derivative the weighting factor.
  27. It observes the present situation of bid evaluation methods on probing theory of bid evaluation methods and summarized the existing problems in traditional evaluations, specially problems in the weighting factor determination.
  28. And the expert rating, the common grading scores, ensuring each index score is multiplied by the weighting factor in the calculated scores unity.
  29. The effect of various factors on the pulse propagation is analyzed by introducing a weighting factor in finite-difference time-domain method. Finally, the dispersion regulation mechanism of two-dimensional photonic crystal is investigated.
  30. We revised frequency spectrum functions by using weighting factor-the distance between direct component and alternating component, and improved the acuity of focus measure curve.